Felix Vallotton
Switzerland 1865-France 1925
Self-portrait (My portrait)
[Auto portrait (Mon portrait)] 1879
oil on card
card 59.2 (h) x 48.2 (w) cm
About Vallotton:
He was born into a conservative middle class family in Lausanne in 1865, and there he attended College Cantonal, graduating with a degree in classical studies in 1882.
His earliest paintings, such as the Ingresque Portrait of Monsieur Ursenbach (1885), are firmly rooted in the academic tradition, and his self portrait received an honorable mention at the Salon des artistes français in 1886. During the following decade Vallotton painted and wrote art criticism and made a number of prints.
About Vallotton's painting:
Self portrait 1879 reflect Vallotton’s reserved personality, Vallotton uses flat colour, hard edges, and a biting Realism to represent himself. He leaves the background a sober taupe.
The reason why this particular image captured my attention was that the painting in fact looked like a photograph it had that much detail and contrast it seemed to be a photograph of Vallotton.
The shadows and contrast within Vallottons face expresses emotions within. The detail within the hair lines display a real life look towards the image.
Felix Vallotton has created a master piece which I'm sure has not only captured my attention but millions of others.